Grant Pud Collective Bargaining Agreement

Grant PUD Collective Bargaining Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Grant PUD is a public utility district in Grant County, Washington. It provides electric power to over 40,000 customers, including residential, commercial, and industrial users. The district is governed by a board of commissioners who are elected by the people of Grant County.

One of the most important elements of the Grant PUD`s operations is its collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with its employees. The CBA is a legally binding agreement between the district and its employees that sets out the terms and conditions of employment. It covers everything from wages and benefits to working conditions and job security.

Why is the CBA important?

The CBA is important because it helps to ensure that the district and its employees have a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities. By setting out the terms and conditions of employment in writing, the CBA helps to prevent misunderstandings and disputes between the district and its employees.

The CBA also helps to promote fairness and equity in the workplace. It sets out standards for wages, benefits, and working conditions that apply to all employees, and it provides a framework for resolving disputes and grievances.

What`s in the Grant PUD CBA?

The Grant PUD CBA covers a wide range of topics, including:

1. Wages and salaries: The CBA sets out the minimum rates of pay for employees, including regular pay increases and overtime pay.

2. Benefits: The CBA provides for a range of benefits, including health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.

3. Working conditions: The CBA sets out rules and procedures for working hours, breaks, and other working conditions.

4. Job security: The CBA provides for procedures for layoffs, recalls, and other job security issues.

5. Grievances: The CBA sets out a process for resolving disputes and grievances, including a system of arbitration.

6. Training: The CBA provides for training and development opportunities for employees.

How does the CBA affect the Grant PUD?

The CBA affects the Grant PUD in many ways. It provides a framework for managing the district`s workforce, including setting standards for wages and benefits, establishing rules and procedures for working conditions, and providing a process for resolving disputes and grievances.

The CBA also helps to promote a positive working environment by ensuring that employees are treated fairly and equitably. This, in turn, helps to improve morale and productivity, which ultimately benefits both the district and its customers.


The Grant PUD CBA is an important tool for managing the district`s workforce. It provides a framework for managing wages, benefits, working conditions, and job security, and it helps to promote fairness and equity in the workplace. By ensuring that employees are treated fairly and equitably, the CBA helps to create a positive working environment that benefits both the district and its customers.

Posted on: August 24, 2022Eagle Music